Monday, January 31, 2011


  There was one great master, a Buddhist master, Nagarjuna.  A thief came to him.  The thief had fallen in love with the master because he had never seen such a beautiful person, such infinite grace.  He asked Nagarjuna, "Is there some possibility of my growth also?  But one thing I must make clear to you: I am a thief.  And another thing: I cannot leave it, so please don't make it a condition.  I will do whatsoever you say, but I cannot stop being a thief.  That I have tried many times--it never works, so I have left the whole sport.  I have accepted my destiny, that I am going to be a thief and remain a thief, so don't talk about it.  From the very beginning let it be clear."  Nagarjuna said, "Why are you afraid?  Who is going to talk about your being a thief? The thief said,  "But whenever I go to a monk, to a religious priest, or to a religious saint, they always say, 'First stop stealing.'"
  Nagarjuna laughed and said, "Then you must have gone to thieves; otherwise, why? Why should they be concerned? I am not concerned!"
  The thief was very happy.  He said, "Then it is okay.  It seems that now I can become a disciple.  You are the right master."
  Nagarjuna accepted him and said, "Now you can go and do whatsoever you like.  Only one condition has to be followed: be aware!  Go, break into houses, enter, take things, steal; do whatsoever you like, that is of no concern to me, I am not a thief--but do it with full awareness."  The thief couldn't understand that he was falling into the trap.  He said, "Then everything is okay. I will try."
  After three weeks he came back and said, "You are tricky--because if I become aware, I cannot steal.  If I steal, awareness disappears. I am in a fix."
  Nagarjuna said, "No more talk about your being a thief and stealing. I am not concerned;  I am not a thief. Now, you decide! If you want awareness, then you decide. If you don't want it, then too you decide."
    The man said, "But now it is difficult.  I have tasted it a little, and it is so beautiful--I will leave anything, whatsoever you say.  Just the other night for the first time I was able to enter the palace of the king.  I opened the treasure.  I could have become the richest man in the world--but you were following me and I had to be aware.  When I became aware, diamonds looked just like stones, ordinary stones.  When I lost awareness, the treasure was there.  And I waited and did this many times.  I would become aware and I became like a Buddha, and I could not even touch it because the whole thing looked foolish, stupid--just stones, what am I doing?  Losing myself over stones?  But then I would lose awareness; they would become again beautiful, the whole illusion.  But finally I decided that they were not worth it."

The Eye of God
Hubble Space Station Photo

From Awareness The Key to Living In Balance: by Osho.
Thanks for sending this story Eric!

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you"


"Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you"
(Matthew 7:7, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

In Mark chapter five, there was a woman who had been sick for twelve years. The doctors gave her no hope. But she heard that Jesus was passing through her town. Something deep down on the inside was saying, "This is your season. This is your time to get well." In the natural, when she saw all the people around Him, she thought, "I'll never get to Him. It's so crowded and I'm weak." She almost missed her season. But instead of dwelling on those negative thoughts, instead of looking at her situation, she started reminding herself, "If I can just get to Jesus, I will be whole." She made the choice to turn her thoughts in the right direction and was empowered to take a leap of faith. She pressed through the crowd until she got just close enough to touch the edge of Jesus' robe. Instantly, she was made whole.
Jesus said in Mark 5:34, "Daughter, your faith has made you well." Notice it's our faith that activates God's power. We have to press through our thoughts, press through our circumstances, press through the crowd and obstacles until we touch Him.
Today, with every step you take, God is drawing closer to you. He'll meet your faith with His miraculous power so you can embrace the victory He has waiting for you!


Heavenly Father, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. I ask You to fill me with Your strength, peace and joy so that I can press through to victory today. Show me the good plan You have for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

- Joel & Victoria Osteen